
High barrier monomaterial flexible films for food contact applications

HiBarFilm 2nd Open Day Workshop

Date: 11 February 2025 – (09:00-17:00 GMT)
Venue: Homerton College, Cambridge, UK – hybrid

This would be a great opportunity to meet the project partners and learn about their work in the project, as well as their products and services.

External organisations that have already confirmed participation are: Novartis Pharma (CH); Haleon; Avanzare; University of Cambridge; Ourobio / ecogenesis; Innovia Films; one • five; DOMINO; and Queen Mary University of London.

This is a free event. If you would like to participate, please register your interest filling the form below and we will send you more information.

Workshop on improved barrier films with functionalised nanomaterials

HiBarFilm 2 Open Day Workshop

The 1st Open Day was held in Cambridge, at the Cambridge Belfry Hotel & Spa (QHotel) on the 29 June 2023, as a hybrid event. A total of 35 delegates registered to participate in the event in person and online. They came from the following leading organisations University of Cambridge, Novartis Pharma (CH), The Coop, University of Strathclyde, Queen Mary University of London, University of South Wales, Bimbo Bakeries USA, Ourobio, Algreen Ltd, Pulpex, Haleon, Echo Packaging Limited, one • five, Yiotis SA, among others.

Two Smart sustainable plastic packaging (SSPP) projects were invited: Prof James Elliott from the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge presented the S2UPPlant project; and. Dr Samuel Davis from Algreen Ltd., presented this start-up.

A small exhibition area was allocated at the back of the conference room, where HiBarFilm2 Partners had the opportunity to bring materials to display.

Repair3D 1st Open Day
Brussels, Belgium (hybrid)
30 May 2023

The final Open Day Workshop, took place as a hybrid event in Brussels at the DoubleTree by Hilton Brussels City. The aim of this event was to present the results of the project to a wider audience, with this in mind, the workshop was organised as a hybrid event.

Total of 71 people registered to participate in the Open Day (35 in person, 36 online), from which over 35 belong to external organisations. Confirmed external participants to the Open Day came from the following leading industrial organisations, research institutions and universities: BAE Systems, AVANZARE, National Composites Centre, CRTI, ELVEZ, Prysmian Group, HTWK-Leipzig, UP Catalyst, LEITAT, AIJU Technological Center, MONDRAGON Corporation, University of Nottingham, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Megara Resins and The Art of Making Foundation, among others. Out of all participating organisations, 55% came from industry, 21% from research organisations and 15% from universities.

Repair3D 1st Open Day
1st March 2021

The Repair3D Open Day Workshop was organised by Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology (CNAT)..This Open Day Workshop took place on the 1st March 2021, using the digital platform ZOOM.

A total of 118 participants registered to this event, from which 54 belong to external organisations, 109 people attended the Repair3D Open Day Workshop through the day. The maximum of attendees at one session was 85 people, during a morning session. Some of the external guests to this event, came from multinational organisations and leading technology companies and universities such as: Arup, Altran, MBDA, BAE Systems, Q5D Technology Limited, National Composites Centre, Archroma, AIMEN, 42TEK, Sofinnova partners, NTCP, IFREMER, BL NanoBiomed, The University of Sheffield AMRC Composites, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), The University of Hull, KU Leuven, University of Manchester, Cranfield University, Utrecht University, “Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, Sigma-Clermont, University of Camerino, University of Plymouth. University of Crete, Department of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, University of Castilla-La Mancha and UNIBO among others.

With the aim to enable clustering activities between projects, related projects were identified ahead of the Open Day and coordinators and key partners from these projects were invited to participate and present at the Open Day. Several representatives from these projects have participated in the workshop including members from DeCOAT, PUReSmart and Terminus Projects, funded in the same call as Repair3D participated in the workshop and each of the Projects Coordinators presented at the Open Day Workshop. Representatives from the Project Cresting also participated.