Repair3D Project

This H2020 project (5.9 € Million Grant) was a 49-month project, which started on the 1st January 2019. It has the participation of 18 partners coming from leading industrial and academia sectors and was led The Warrant Hub Spa.

The project aims to address all aspects and stages of thermoplastic and CF reinforced thermoplastic 3D printing material development from recycled resources, starting with the selection of suitable waste streams, strategies for material repair, compatibilization and upgrade towards AM processing, compatibility between different thermoplastic matrices and the reinforcing fibres and nanoparticles, comparative assessment of various AM thermoplastic processing technologies and closed-loop material optimisation in terms of processability and performance.


The Warrant Hub S.p.A. (Project Coordinator), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Ghent University, FundacióEurecat, Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (ITENE), Centro Tecnológico LEITAT, Institut de RechercheTechnologique Jules Verne, Sigmatex Ltd, Adamant Composites, Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd (CNT), Techedge S.p.a., Calzaturificio Dal Bello Srl, Centre Scientifique & Technique de L’industrie Textile Belge, Maier Scoop, BioG3D- New 3D Printing Technologies, Innovation in Research and Engineering Solutions (IRES), Yiotis Anonimos Emporiki & Viomixaniki Etaireia and Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 814588.