
Products and Services

Plan Four Zero:

Plan Four Zero is the Company’s blueprint for building a more sustainable food system, working together for a better future and is founded on Four Ambitions: Environment, Farming, Food and Society. Grounded in science, the plan outlines how we will reduce emissions within our operations and across supply chains, protect nature and restore biodiversity, inspire sustainable farming and support communities on the journey to Net Zero, find out more: https://www.planfourzero.com
We take responsibility for the impact our business has on the environment, our sites, and in our communities. Our Environment Ambition outlines our plans to reduce operational emissions, improve water efficiency and quality, optimise energy use and increase recycling.

Our packaging plan focuses on increasing recycled content and recyclability, while reducing waste volumes. Packaging is essential for safely storing and transporting food from factories to supermarkets, shops and restaurants and finally to peoples’ homes. Creating and manufacturing fit for purpose packaging and plastic requires sophisticated innovation and engineering, so that food stays fresh, quality is maintained, and food waste is kept to a minimum. Our strategy focuses on removing unnecessary plastic, increasing recyclability and recycled content in our packaging, while removing complexities and designing products in support of a circular economy. We have strong partnerships with our packaging suppliers and work in collaboration to make sure any new solutions we roll out will have long-term sustainability benefits.

We are members of REPAK and WRAP’s UK Plastics Pact, working to achieve the 2025 and 2030 targets to eliminate problematic plastics, stimulate innovation and new business models and help build a stronger recycling system. For more information visit the website: https://www.planfourzero.com/